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A creative platform by Department Of Communicative English , Chinmaya College Of Arts, Commerce And Science

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  • Writer's pictureinkquills

Going Everywhere but Home

We are the people

Who wouldn't hurt a creature.

We wait and we wait,

For them to leave of their own accord.

The children waited weeks,

Thinking and hoping

The spiders would leave the homes they made

Between bicycle handles.

Tear down the webs, their father said

You'd get to go cycling, he said.

But isn't that how, they replied

How some become refugees, they asked.

Who are we

Why would we tell them

Where to call home or where they're not welcome?

Who are we

Why would we tell them

That a comfortable home could be a promise of tragedy?

We didn't think it would come to this,

But it isn't hard to believe.

We didn't think they would dare,

But the damage lays done.

As wounded souls without faces

We march ahead,

To empty places or spaces

As strangers to a foreign world.

Clumped and dried, blood lines the paths

Bringing back memories of the outsider's wrath.

You'd think the rains falling

Would rid us of feeling - downcast.

For us, it's the feeling

Of the skies falling - upon us.

We didn't think it would come to this,

But it isn't hard to believe.

We are strangers in our own land,

Drenched in the tears of those left behind.

Far from eye or ear,

So close yet not near.

We once were many,

But now far too few.

We will never heal

But these pictures will reveal,

The difference between

Soldiers and warriors.

One hurts, under the guise of protection.

The other hugs, to mend things broken.

One can be anyone - you, me, them

But not everyone can be human.

We are the warriors,

From Syria and Afghanistan

Venezuela and South Sudan,

Drenched in the tears of those left behind,

In hopes the world will not be blind,

To our homes that once shined.

By : Saswata Acharya

II B. A. Communicative English

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