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Being Woman...

Women are supposed to take their sorrows and pain and hide them. They should bear the woes of misery plunged upon them but is that what we are?

We too have a life that we dream of. A life, vibrant and colourful with no hints of grey. Every girl, when she comes into this world, is taught that she is a bearer of responsibilities, from doing the chores to taking care of the household, is in her hands. Growing up she is pampered and loved by all, but suddenly one day she is said she is different and that she should stay away from men and also should dress differently. Her bodily changes considered taboo and she is slowly trained to being a puppet who is controlled by not only her family but society too. She dreams to achieve things but her dreams are brushed off just like cutting a bird’s wings when it is ready to fly. She is made to succumb to herself and is not allowed to express herself.

Soon we can see that cheerful girl being converted into a coy bride with trays of mithai in her hands ready to meet the prospective groom her family chose for her. In case if she is not able to get the right match, she is tainted in society saying she is not worthy. Who are we to access a person’s worth?

Incase if a girl is given freedom, eyes are shot up against her and her family and whispers about her being a freak. Freedom is something which should be given to everyone whether man or woman, black or white, homosexual or straight, all of us have rights.

Every girl u suppressed was supposed to be someone in this society. Every girl who was raped and killed was someone’s sister or daughter. Every girl who has survived an acid attack is a fighter…We are not puppets who can be used by men to satisfy their selfish desires… I blame society for making men like this because from the day a boy is born, he is not made to understand the value of a woman nor is he taught to do things a woman is doing. From sati to child marriage, it was this society who always made the women adjust. Why should the women adjust? Why can't men, what is so different in them? Everything a woman has is kept hidden from them including menstruation. What is so bad in it to be considered as a taboo?

Equality should pertain and women should be empowered and not suppressed…Being a girl myself I know how insecure we women feel in this society. Equality should prevail and men should be taught the importance of women.

By Pooja Ramesh

II B.A.Communicative English

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